Over the wide field the dark deer went running, five dogs screaming at his flanks, at his heels, my own two darlings among them lunging and buckling with desire as they leaped for the throat as they tried and tried again to bring him down. At the lake the deer plunged— I could hear the green wind of his breath tearing but the long legs never stopped till he clambered up the far shore. | The dogs moaned and screeched they flung themselves on the grass panting and steaming. It took hours but finally in the half-drowned light in the silence of the summer evening they woke from fitful naps, they stepped in their old good natures toward us look look into their eyes bright as planets under the long lashes here is such happiness when you speak their names! here is such unforced love! here is such shyness such courage! here is the shining rudimentary soul here is hope retching, the world as it is here is the black the red the bottomless pool. |